Ever happened with you, that you find yourself amidst an urgency of refurbishing your home? Over the years, you realize that enough items have been stocked up, and it is high time for minimalism home. You don’t need a plethora of fancy items to be in home décor. Instead, you can be the winner of home interiors with a splendid minimalist home.
All you need to make sure is that your home is well arranged and is free from extra items with storage area. We have compiled a series of minimalist homes for you to have a glance over. Let’s dive into the world of minimalism!
Less Wood is More Minimalism

Simplicity has its own perks! No heavy curtains or dark wooden flooring, but just a neutral interior is in trend.
To create a minimalism interior, only focus on neutral shades and open floor. This family room with a neutral shade TV unit looks stylish and trending. Further, cream-coloured floor tiles add a different charm in the room.
Minimalist Bathroom with Marble Look

A bathroom calls for a simple yet unique design. A bright bathroom affair with a white marble background is a perfect idea to set up your water closet. Look how beautifully the white elements just blend together with each other. A wooden touch, along with a see-through glass partition, sets a perfect minimalist approach.
The cupboards and cabinets hold a great storage area instead of taking up a huge space in the bathroom area. Also, the design and texture of the cabinets go perfectly well with the overall look of the bathroom. And not to forget, the black window frame allows the light to come in and fill it with freshness.

Final Words
With a minimalist approach, your efforts are actually lessened. I am sure you can’t wait to move those extra items of your home and switch to minimalism!

Designer | Vincent Chuah