I never regret engaging Vincent Chuah as my Interior Designer. During our discussions, he was always persistent in giving his advice. Initially, I had my doubts, but after moving in, I realized he was right. As an ID, sometimes you need to guide the owner rather than just following their initial ideas. Thanks for your persistence, Vincent Chuah. I compared at least 5 ID firms, but I chose Vincent Chuah not because his price was cheap—actually, it was the second highest. I chose Design 4 Space and Vincent Chuah for two main reasons: first, the use of Ecoplywood, and second, his experience. My friend and I shared information about IDs, and she ended up choosing a cheaper firm. Unfortunately, her project wasn’t completed even after 3 months, while mine was completed in around 2 months [Heng Ar]. I always believe that experience is invaluable, and after seeing many good reviews on Google, I was convinced he was the right choice. For those with limited knowledge of renovation, Vincent is a good ID to guide you through the entire process. PS: His price is not cheaper compared to smaller ID firms, but maybe that’s because of the use of Ecoplywood =)

Source: https://g.co/kgs/P57eNAX
